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​​Whole School Sustainability

Your students, future global leaders from PreK-12, want to attend schools that teach and model the interconnectedness of environmental sustainability in curriculum, institutional behavior, and facilities.

Is your school part of the climate solution?

Will your students be ready to lead 21st century problem-solving ?

How can the experience, knowledge, and passion of Whole School Sustainability Consulting help?


Do a 360 review of your current program and make recommendations


Help your school develop a full, detailed  sustainability program


Work with your current sustainability team/director to move forward

Liz Cutler

A Life in Education

Liz Cutler began the whole school sustainability initiative at Princeton Day School in 2005 and, together with faculty, staff, administration, student, and parent partners, built a thriving program integrating facilities, institutional behavior, and curriculum: PDS Sustainability  In her time at PDS, the school achieved the following milestones: U.S. Dept. of Education Green Ribbon School, Eco-Schools Green Flag Award, Gold-Level River-Friendly School Certification, 4-Star Certification from the Green Restaurant Association, School Garden of the Year, Kiwi Magazine Crusaders Award for Excellence in School Meals, Winner National Green Cup Challenge. She retired in 2022 after 37 years at Princeton Day School.


In 2008, Liz founded OASIS (Organizing Action on Sustainability In Schools), which has grown to be a 50- school non-profit consortium working to improve sustainability in all NJ schools with chapters in central and northern NJ. OASIS Schools

Liz has worked on the Boards of Friends of Princeton Open Space, Sustainable Princeton, and on the planning committee for the Princeton Environmental Film Festival. She has presented at NJAIS, NAIS, Green Schools Summit, consulted with school sustainability programs all over the country, and served as the Master Teacher at The Island School.

Liz’s work has been recognized nationally, including: Sustainable Princeton Leadership Award, National Garden Club of America Elizabeth Abernathy Hull Award, Richard Rotter Award for Excellence in Environmental Education. 

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Philosophy: The Why

"Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” United Nations definition of sustainability

To become future-facing leaders, children must learn, absorb, and share this concept from the youngest age. The most successful solutions emerge when students, faculty, staff, and parents think in systems, understanding the connections between environmental health, social equity, economic vitality, and the consequences of their actions and decisions on people and the planet.

In order to create and implement these solutions, schools must work simultaneously on curriculum, institutional behavior, and facilities. Modeling and teaching sustainability at the primary and secondary school levels creates life-long environmental stewards with the skills and passion to solve wicked global problems. 

            Philosophy: The How

Because each school is a unique ecosystem, every journey towards sustainability will look different, progressing at its own rate. The role of Whole School Sustainability Consulting is to work with your school's mission, vision, and stakeholders to create an individualized plan tailored to your needs and goals. There is no template. Rather, the work is to evaluate, develop, and coach.

Journal of Sustainability




“Liz helped me find my voice as an advocate for and leader of a school-wide sustainability and environmental education initiative.   Through her vision, wisdom, commitment, and tireless efforts, Liz built one of the strongest school sustainability programs in our nation. She created a school culture in which respect, reverence, and responsibility for the natural world sit at the center of our efforts to prepare young leaders.  Liz has guided hundreds of students and faculty to a greater understanding of the roles they can play in this effort; she has been sought out by schools across the region and across the country to do the same.”

- Paul Stellato, Head, Princeton Day School, Princeton, NJ -


"Liz has played an important role in our school's sustainability journey. During her campus visit, she met with a range of constituencies—students of all ages, faculty and staff, and even trustees—in order to learn about our community and to help formulate recommendations for the advancement of institutional sustainability and the teaching of sustainability across the curriculum. Her report allowed our leadership team to gain deep insights and inspired us to invest significantly in our institutional commitment to sustainability. I am so pleased for our students and for our school that we have been able to tap into Liz's insights, professionalism, and commitment to sustainability."


Jeff Vinikoor, Director of Studies, Newark Academy, Newark, NJ -


"Liz Cutler's years of experience in both sustainability work and education make her ideal for her work as a consultant to schools. She is knowledgeable, and passionate. She has a knack for recognizing "the heart of the problem" related to the implementation of sustainability curriculum and institutional behavior and decision making in schools. Her ideas will help us chart a more effective course forward."

-Anne Griffith, Director of Environmental Sustainability, Miami Valley School, Dayton, OH-

OASIS, Organizing Action on Sustainability In Schools

"Anyone who knows Liz Cutler knows that she is a powerhouse, a force to be reckoned with.  She is someone you want on your team, or better yet, leading your team.  Liz is a fierce advocate for school sustainability....Liz’s strong leadership, vast knowledge, and compassionate approach have created a unique space where those of us working in school sustainability can come together to learn, experience mutual support, and develop genuine friendships.  We may often feel solitary in the work we do within our unique school environments, but Liz has created a place for us to come together and find that we are not alone."

- Carolyn McGrath, Hopewell Valley Regional School, Hopewell, NJ -



"Liz provided thorough, insightful, and honest feedback for us. Most importantly, she provided actionable next steps, and we are working off of her recommendations today."

                                   - Catherine RodrigueAssociate HeadPeddie SchoolHightstown, New Jersey


Liz will come to your school to evaluate and develop an existing environmental sustainability initiative or to create an entirely new program focusing simultaneously on curriculum, institutional behavior, and facilities. Her work is individually tailored to your school's mission, philosophy, personnel, and goals. Liz can also coach the leaders of a current program.




Contact Me

Liz Cutler

Whole School Sustainability Consulting

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